Why The CatWalk?

The inception of The CatWalk came to Andrea and Chantelle on 8th August 2020. This date, 8:8 is known to be a cosmic portal activated by the sun in Leo season and the rising star, Sirius and is referred to as the Lionsgate.

More commonly though, The CatWalk is associated with modelling and parading a body of art. To CatWalk each day, each week is to step out in power and walk. Whoever you are, believe in and exude all the greatness that you are.

What does the CatWalk represent?

The CatWalk will demonstrate the power of sisterhood and camaraderie. Knowing you have a force walking with you, ahead of you, beside you, behind you. 

But The CatWalk is also a political statement of activism. Historically, we have marched for our freedom. Not all of us feel inclined to be or are able to be on the frontline, on the frontline of well-known movements such as the Black Panthers, but every time we walk for ourselves- not to the shops or as part of your commute engaging in the economic gain of others- but for yourself, you are making a statement of saying Black is here. You are allowed to be free and to be free is to be bold. To slow down your pace, to walk, to rest, to ease and soothe your mind, body and soul.

The CatWalk Podcast

The CatWalk is a command to be visible, to be heard and seen, for yourself and others- before and after you. 
The podcast aims to support your Catwalk as a school in motion, educating you every step of the way. 
We dispel the phrase ‘you can’t be what you can’t see’ and use the podcast to educate you in every step of your journey by spotlighting Black British women who have paved the way, who have created paths that allow us to show up, who have demonstrated what it means to be trusting and faithful and have lived and breathed confidence, determination, resilience and self-belief. 

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